Connecting the Dots

October 28, 2008

” You cannot connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your guy, destiny, life, kharma, whatever. This approach has never let me down and it has made all the difference in my life.” – Steve Jobs

This is an interesting quote from Steve Jobs as he gave a speech at Stanfords 2005 commencement address. I watch the speech again and again for inspiration as I believe it has helped my company connect its own dots. Sometimes I have to watch, listen or read something several times to learn its lesson and connect the dots of what it has to teach me. Then after I apply what I have learned I listen to it again and find that it still has more to teach me.

This speech is amongst many tools I use to draw inspiration. I have found that the best way to brainstorm is to put alot of dots on the board and believe that they will find a way to connect themselves. This is how my company believes great ideas are formed. I do not believe that this concept is new or completely unique but I believe the secret is where we draw our dots from.


The learning about what you want to do, your industry, your resources, goals, and the ability to combine them. Good ideas don’t come out of thin air when you sit around with your friends and wait for them. Good ideas come when people come together who have first done the work, done the research, and have done the learning. Those are the valuable dots to connect.

I believe this theory applies to great businesses and great resources. When BBS started our journey we began to collect resources not exactly knowing what to do with them. Connections with people, pieces in smaller start ups, outsourcing, business networks, staffing, engineering, website design, SEO, etc. We were lost.

It took patience, trial and error and an unstoppable drive to push forward. Whether each patch came with success or failure we continued to plant the seeds. The lesson of my story is as long as you keep planting these seeds and finding these dots some will grow, some will connect. And success will become an inevitability.


October 18, 2008

Credibility is an important part of any successful person. Before someone buys into your idea, product or business they must buy into you. The person who has the most credibility is also the person who makes the most money, works with the best clients, and gets the most recognition. What does it take to build credibility? In the world prior to the flattening of the global economy it meant years of experience, a good education, and usually good references. However today’s modern entrepreneur needs modern ways to gain credibility and show that they can stand against the seasoned veterans.
Although the credibility indicators mentioned are still the main units of measure the process in which we obtain them has completely changed. This blog post examines credibility 2.0, how to build your credibility and market value in today’s global workforce.

My company is comprised of people completely under the age of 25. We are young, dedicated, ambitious and have the resources of giant companies. However when we walk into a board meeting, convention or negotiation people assume we are interns, employees and sometimes even the children of the people they thought they were meeting. Often times age can be a huge factor, people assume that young people do not have experience, reliability or resources of a seasoned veteran.

I guarantee to you young entrepreneurs this misconception does not have to be true. I believe my age works in my favor but only because I have the credibility behind it. I would like to dispel the myth that credibility and experience can only be achieved with grey hair and years of experience.

Experience 2.0

To prove that experience should no longer be measured in years I would like to compare the differences in another emerging profession due to new innovations in technology. Professional poker… Yes I am serious. Prior to the invention of the internet and online gaming a seasoned veteran could only play one hand at a time, and at only one table at a time. With the invention of online gaming a poker player can play dozens of hands at a time at over a dozen tables. In a single year an online poker player can have the same experience as a seasoned veteran playing for 50 years.

In this same aspect my company has worked with as many clients, and on as many projects as our competitors that have existed for decades, that also have more employees and more overhead.

” Experience should be measured upon work done, connections made and goals accomplished, not time spent and money wasted.”

Credibility 2.0

Being on both sides of the interviewing and negotiating table I can tell you that credibility indicators go a long way. The following are examples of these credibility indicators and how to attain quicly in the new world.

(1) Have credible mentors / advisors
A Credible Mentor Allows You To:

1. Leverage their experience and reputation.
2. Instill stability and lets people know you are not alone.


3. Have someone to turn to in any situation, the ability to have
  a panel of experts who are there to help you guide your success.

4. Leverage their network and connections.
How do you get a good mentor? I contact the people I admire and have learned from, I believe if you are going to learn from someone it should only be the best. A great way for people to find these mentors is through SCORE and the Small  Business Association. They provide you free resources and one on one counseling.
Another way is to research the best people in your area who are experts at what you are doing. It is as easy as sending an email or a single phone call. I have been surprised to see that these experts are usually more than willing to guide an ambitious young professional, and if not, move on to the next one because you will find one.

(2) Join organizations and associations in your industry that have a good reputation and a decent sized membership.

Being Apart Of Associations Allows You To:

1. Show that you are a part of a credible network of people.
2. Show qualification in the form of acceptance to these organizations.
3. Indicate that you are an expert in your industry.
4. Shows that you understand what is going on in your industry and actively participate in its community.

The best way to build these credibility indicators is to join associations and organizations in your field. I recommend joining 2-3.

(3) Begin teaching what you are doing to others.

Teaching people what you do indicates:

1. That you are an expert in your field.
2. That you are a reputable person and are respected in your field.
3. That you have professional skills outside of your specific area of expertise.
4. That you are a possible role model or leader of other people.

How do you begin teaching? Begin speaking!

Examples would be to begin consulting or counseling for others in your industry. Also begin to speak at meetings and conventions in the organizations that you have joined. Begin to speak at schools and small businesses then build your way up to big businesses and household name companies. Offer free seminars and workshops.

(4) Be an Expert, Be the Most Professional.

Lets be honest, If you don’t know what your talking about none of the credibility indicators matter. A great way to build this credibility indicator is to prior plan and prepare for every meeting. A great way to do so is write down an agenda and minutes for every meeting. This way you don’t miss important points and always have a road map to refer back to later. You can have all the credibility in the world but if your professionalism and face to face time at a meeting does not properly represent you no one will know what your capable of. Writing an agenda will always make you better prepared, more organized, more confident, and more like an expert.




The Synopsis

October 5, 2008

This is the first weblog so I would like to let the world know a little bit about my company and what we do. We are Better Business Studios we are a global outsourcing company destined to change the world. We provide web and design services to companies and businesses of all sizes.

The other founders of the company and I dedicate all our time in innovation and efficiency. We have strategic alliances with companies in India, China, and Russia which allow us to do more work and have the resources of the biggest companies in the country. Our unique infrastructure allows us to spend our time innovating and growing the company versus spending time doing tedious work or projects. Right from the get go our company has been able to crush our competition on price, quality and turnaround time. We do about 10 times the project volume of our competitors and are growing and adding new products and services at an unprecedented rate.

We have gone from a group of college students and dropouts to become a 15 person agency with contracts all over the world in about 6 months. We have 2 branches and are franchising soon. This week we have met with our first radio stations for possible interviews and have been negotiating with our first 600 million dollar company. Every day we learn, every day we evolve, we do not let a day pass without getting faster, better and stronger.

This blog is intended to chart our growth and to inspire people that the regular person can succeed, and its not a matter of smarts or experience its about sweat equity and believing in something that is greater than themselves.

Hello world!

October 5, 2008

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!